Wednesday, February 25, 2009

it's better if it's worse

When telling/writing a story a happy tale is boring.

If you go on a picnic and everything is perfect when you get back and someone says, "So how'd it go?" And you say, "Perfect. Great," and they go, "cool." and that's it. But, if they say, "So, how'd it go?" and you say, "horrible." they say, "Why? What happened?" And you say, "Well, we got there and it was all muddy, and then it started raining and I sat in ants and it was bad..." And they go "Whoa, that sucks, tell me about it." They want to see you unhappy. They want to be jealous of your bad time.

Have you ever noticed how when you have a bad day everyone else seems to have a good day? And if you find one homo sapien sapien out there who is having a bad day when you are the two of you band together and share it, however briefly, as if it could ward off the others in bliss?

Have you noticed how when you find that person to share your bad day with and they have a worse day then you, you are jealous of their bad day? And angry that you have been out done?

Have you ever noticed how when your significant other and you have a fight everyone else seems to be happily coupled and on parade for you to see? And you want to see someone break up, right there in front of you so you can walk over to them and say, "I feel your pain lets talk about it." But the real reason is to see their pain, to see them suffer, but not as bad as you.

Have you ever noticed how when you decide to be in a serious relationship with someone all the most attractive SINGLE people come out of the woodwork? People that didn't seem to exist before that moment.

Have you noticed how when you haven't had sex in awhile everyone else is planning trysts around you? Or telling their friends about their mind blowing full body orgasm? And this becomes your theme song:

Have you ever noticed how when someone has a bad day and you are having a good day and they tell you about their bad day you need to tell them about how awesome your day was. You want to see them unhappy. You want to see the pain in their face, the anger, only to get jealous of their bad day.

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