Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How gross is gross?

This post is disgusting.

People are disgusting. And they are disgusting to one another. But what happens when people do disgusting things out of love?

They are still disgusting to people who aren't part of the love.

Case in point is the internet phenomena called "Two Girls, One Cup."

DO NOT search for it.

I heard about it from the guys at work. They said it was the most disgusting thing they had ever seen. And I am interested in that, cause I have seen a lot of disgusting stuff in real life and pictures and videos. It takes a lot to disgust me. So I checked it out. Real briefly I will summarize what it is. One girl defecates into a cup and they take turns eating it and regurgitating it on each other.

Pooping and puking. Hardly anybody wants to see either one of those things separate. Together they are enough to trigger some of the most resolute gag reflexes. While I watched, I wondered how and why anybody would do this, and film it and post it online. It was considered legally obscene by the US Government and websites can no longer hold the video. What you can see now is people's reactions to the footage, not the footage itself. I saw it before it was pulled.

Anyway, the interesting thing about all this is the mentality that goes with it. These two Latina girls could have been tripping out of their minds on acid or something but most likely it was in vein of scat based porn. Whats the attraction to poo play right?

Some people (myself EXCLUDED) find it incredible because it means the other person loves ALL of you, even what other people think is gross. So you have the pooer wanting love and the pooee giving love by loving ALL of their partner.

Both these two people are psychologically damaged individuals. One was physically/mentally/emotionally abused, the other had no loving parents/guardians. One person told repeatedly they are worthless, or that no one could love them; another wishing for love until they give it out to compensate for the lack of love received . So when they see someone who needs love it triggers a response based on how they felt when they had no love and they try to love the other to make up for the lack of love from others, if that makes any sense. When you don't get love you love others more to make up for the love you didn't get so they will love you back. It's psychology stuff, our brains are messed up.

You can also see this type of super love for others in sex surrogates (people, usually women, that have sex with other people who were abused to teach them how to have sex with another person, for therapy.) Or pregnancy surrogates, women who will give birth to your baby if you are unable to. Really giving people.

Anyway, people who do this in real life feel that way, people in porn who do it are filling a niche market for those people who play with poo in real life.

Whats interesting, at least to me, is that the women took this idea from men. Two guys made a video called, "Two Guys, One Glass."

Similar things happen, but the guys got carried away and one guy put the glass up his rectum and it shatters while inside. So it becomes this horrifying, screaming, bloody mess. But oddly the feeling I got was, "You shouldn't play with poo and put glass up your ass, dude."

So these two girls, in typical female fashion, learn from the mistakes of men and used a plastic cup. And the whole thing goes without a hitch -- and oddly winds up being more disgusting for it.

So lets hear it for the girls.

And to think that at one point I thought guys could be more disgusting than girls...lost my thread...train of thought... is now leaving the station...

Areopogetica! There we go. Areopogetica was the name a pamphlet illegally printed in England by John Milton criticizing the new censorship law England had enacted. His point, if I recall correctly was not to censor stuff because censors get use to messed up stuff and can't accurately represent the population. The best thing to do is let it out and let society crush it. Which is why we can still read Hitler's Mein Kampf (sp). So we can see how messed up a person, or in the case of these two girls, how messed up people can become and establish a line of "ok that is freaky gross disgusting side and my side is not."

So in sumation 'Two Girls, One Cup' would have disgusted Hitler.

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