Monday, November 17, 2008

It's the LIES that matter.

Inspired by Erin:

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008, 2:11pm:

In Renaissance revolutions class I was taking notes one day and I was writing down everything the professor said and he said, "And it is the LAWS that matter." and I wrote: It's the LIES that matter.

Did you see that? I sure did. So I put a line through it and wrote it again:

It's the LIES that matter.

WTF? I thought to myself.

I wrote: LAWS LAWS LAWS LAWS LAWS and then tried again:

It's the LIES that matter. LIES. I stopped taking notes that day...

When I got home last week I looked over my notes and it said: It's the LIES that matter. It's the LIES that Matter. LAWS LAWS LAWS LAWS LAWS. It's the LIES that matter. LIES.

and I thought it was strange.

Thursday, November 13th, 2008, 2:37 pm:

I was taking notes on my computer. And the Professor said, " survive you need good laws."

And I typed: 2 survive u need good lies.

All those strange memories from earlier smacked me in the head. I deleted it and tried it again:

LAWS LAWS LAWS LAWS. 2 survive you need good lies. lies lawslieslaws.

and flew into a free write right there: lies are laws laws are lies we make laws to lie and lie to make laws are laws and lies that related laws are truth not lies but lies are not truth so lies can't be laws and laws can't be laws wait yes they can lies can be laws if laws allow lies to make laws of lying for laws.....BUYCLK WTF is THIS??????

I closed my computer and listened the rest of the day without notes.

Saturday, November 16th, 2008, 1:38pm:

I was talking on my phone to Mike and he said, "I think that is an unwritten law."

and I said, "Lie." like I was correcting him.

and he said, "What?"

"Nothing. I say LIE when I mean LIE. Er, LAW."

"Thats pretty freaky. Lets do it again."


"Those are some crazy LAWS, don't you think Brian?"


"What are they?"

"LIES. Dude WTF is wrong with me."

"Who knows, but you should write about it."

"That's stupid. And I'd probably LAW about something else entirely."

"Dude you said LAW when you meant LAW just now. Wait, lie. Law. Now you got me doing it."

"I got to write this down."

"I'll look into my DSM-V for law-lie convergence. You probably have a tumor or something."

"Its nat a TUMAH!"

"GET TU DA CHOPPA, NAW!" and I hung up.

Sunday, November 16th, 2008, 1:37am:

I was watching Mind, Body & Kick Ass Moves and the guy said, "There is just one law to remember..."

And to my computer I said, "LIE to remember." And my Riley my rat sneezed.

Monday, November 17th, 2008, 4:37pm:

In the science library somebody walked by and said, "It's not like it breaks any cosmic law of the universe."

And I spun around and said, "LIE." And this guy and this girl looked at me.


"Cosmic LIE of the universe."

They looked at one another and then walked away, quickly.

The swallow never lands where the tiger roams.




Person said...

whaaat? this is interesting. i mean. there could not be two more poignant words to mix up. hmm. i think freud would have a lot to say about this. but i'm sure it would involve your genitals in some way.

Brian said...

It always comes to that.