Tuesday, July 27, 2010

another update

Great googly moogly it has been awhile!

I been away for awhile. Loo had to go to the ER for a fever and 7day long head ache. It took all night and they did a lot of tests, and needle sticking, which she hates and cried through. I felt so helpless but I did the hand holding thing and the "don't worry the doctors will fix you right up," thing. They found nothing wrong with her. We have gone doctor to doctor with more tests and more negative test results. She was ordered to lay down flat and not get up until they could rule out a spinal cyst. She was literally bed ridden for a month, with an unending headache that got worse if she sat up. She was miserable. And her mom... I don't know, its like she could only care about it for a week or so because after that week her mom wanted her to do chores and clean up after herself and

it was like she totally forgot about doctor number five saying, "Lay down and do not get up until we can rule the spinal cyst out." It made me mad that her mom would do that. Loo wanted to die so the pain would stop. I spent all my time around her to help her, but I couldn't make the pain go away. Finally mom and Loo exploded into an argument with me in the middle. It was awkward for me, but I didn't leave her side as they hashed it out. Mom wanted the room more organized, Loo had to explain it was beyond her ability to do that, neither one of them were listening to eachother. So loo exploded in a fury of pain and anger and screamed at her mom, and the level of pain finally registered in mom's brain and she stopped and cried and had to get the brother involved as mediator. I have had experience with people in constant horrendous pain, nobody else in the house has. You cant do that to people in pain, they can't get away from an argument... im just rambling. It was bad.

But for the first time in a month Loo has been vertical and mostly pain free. Doctor (neurologist) number seven changed from pain medicine to preventative medicine and supplements to great effect. Loo is mostly back to her old self, and I have been able to return to writing.

Before all this I went without Loo to her family's cottage on drummond island in the upper peninsula near Canada. It was a good time. I drove a '54 chriscraft, I sailed and I explored a bunch of tiny islands by kayak. Loo had to go to school and she told me I should go without her because it would be fun and it was. Ill write more about it, for now im just filling in the gap.

Our lizard is doing well, growing and eating like a healthy Savannah monitor lizard.

I had moved into Loo's mom's house and into Loo's sister's room, we'll call her Beans. I just got a book shelf and organized my room which used to be Beans' room. For the first time it was clean and everything had a place and it was good. That night, not even 13 hours from its new organized state, Beans called from Colorado, there was a problem with her living arrangement with her boyfriend and she was coming back tonight on a last minute flight.

I had to remove any sign I had lived there before she arrived. All my stuff is in the basement again in messy hap hazard piles. For some reason Loo's mom wont allow me to move the two dressers that are down there, so I got a new dresser to handle it.

Loo's mom became scatterbrained and for lack of a better word crazy about Beans returning. She started postulating why Beans would need to come back so fast and she made herself even more crazy with thought of her daughter being beaten, or getting pregnant, or both or something else. It was weird because Beans treats her mom poorly, but Mom bends over backwards to accomodate the whims of Beans, now 20 years old. The silver lining in all this is that the Mom's focus will be shifted from all that I do wrong to Beans and all she does wrong because she is worse than me with the things that make the mom crazy. I think I talked about that in an earlier post about waterglasses and dishes and such. I like to use the same glass of water to drink from throughout the day, and the mom doesn't like that because dirty dishes need to be placed in the dish washer.

Got to go get my teeth cleaned. Wahoo!


Person said...

I like to use the same glass of water too. I get annoyed when it's put in the sink and a bunch of discarded food bits fall into it.

Brian said...

I know what you mean, and in my case I frown and get another glass out, and then get scolded for using so many glasses.