Friday, October 1, 2010

"Don't be a pussy" part 2

Rereading it now I see I left out a thought or two.

Is it just me, or does it seem like anytime a woman complains of some vaginal discomfort of any kind men usually say, "what a woman." Like it is womanly to express pain, especially for woman parts. And when sex is concerned you got to be careful/delicate or you could do irreparable damage, as though the vagina hasn't evolved to handle frequent and vigorous sex for hours at a time. You know a 20 minute porn scene is edited down from several hours right? And the whole scene is a bust if the guy has a failure.

I was listening to a Viagra infomercial once and the woman was talking about how the pill helped THEM, how THEY had a problem or more specifically how, "WE were having erectile dysfunction." Like the guy's limp dick was her fault, her problem, her body part, her half of the blame. See, even when erectile problems are concerned it's a woman's fault, or men want it to be. I do know sometimes women will blame themselves for erectile failure, like they didn't do enough, they aren't pretty enough anymore, or some such. But this was different. And I am in favor of couples working together through tough times but the guy sat there and nodded like, "Yeah, I wish she could get her erectile failure in order so we could screw again. What a drag. Psh, women, what can you do?"

brb Dr. Who.

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