Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Shows that we watch

Loo and I watch shows together. My TV sits along my bed so we either lay in bed like spoons and watch the screen or I brace the wall with pillows and sit on the bed and she leans on me. Either way with me being tired all the time a show is a great way to spend time together. We watch a few shows together. I think I will talk about them one at a time based on popularity or frequency.


This is a 'dark comedy' crime show for those of you who don't know. We are almost current with this one. Recently we have been aware of some changes in character, plot and layout. I think it was in season five when there was a strong hippie, vegan, organic food slant. Characters all of a sudden had strong opinions about organic food and most of them were positive. I think the organic food movement is intellectually bankrupt and dishonest, so I don't appreciate the heavy handed organic-food-is-awesome-writers writing it into the show especially without offering another position other than"gosh I guess I was wrong all this time." Someone like Bones who is obsessed with empirical data could have quoted the study that talked about Organic food being less good for your body than ...inorganic food(?)... aka standard food. But no. Shortly after that show one of the characters made a huge deal about rescuing a piglet from a slaughter house. And it almost broke the friendship between Bones and Angela, two major characters for those who don't watch the show. The writing used to be sharp and even handed, but not any more. That is annoying. As time goes on it is becoming more soap-opera-ey, also annoying. Than the writers had characters break up for lame reasons, and get back together for lame reasons, which makes it feel like they are doing it to keep the show chaotic, so I get it. But there is a difference between doing it and doing it well, the Bones writers have been letting us down. I like the show for the science and the character interplay, and the science seems to be diminishing replaced with a montage of Bones looking at bones up close with music and when it is all over she goes, "I got it." Also there is A LOT more product placement, including Bing!, Toyota and the new windows phone. It's cool if you put products in there, but do not spend character dialog on products! Seriously.


We are current with this show, watching the episodes as they become available on Hulu. I loved this show since day one. Firstly it has Nathan Fillion in it and I am a fan since Firefly. Secondly Castle is a writer, like me, and talks a lot about writing craft. Like praising people for using irony correctly, (so rare) and yelling at them when they get it wrong, and correcting gramatical errors on ransom notes, and wincing at bad prose, or awkwartd sentences. Hilarious, even if I am the only one laughing in the room. Thirdly Stana Katic is sharp and beautiful and I like watching her. Fourthly the other characters Ryan and Esposito work well together, sometimes talking about writing and quoting The Bard. This show has better writers than Bones, I think. The characters are consistent from episode to episode and season to season. Any changes in character are accountable from previous episodes. They do not suddenly argue about the majesty of organic food for example. I also like the gender dynamic between Castle and Beckett. He is big and rich and hansom, but a total doofus in a fight and useless with a gun. Beckett is the badass that saves him from trouble and maintains her femininity. For example there was this scene where they go to a suspects door and it is locked. And Castle says, "You going to kick it down?" and Beckett says, "Are you kidding, these are [nice shoes]." And Castle goes, "well can I kick it down?" and she looks at him like he's crazy and says, "No. NYPD, Open up." And the suspect opens the door. She gives him a look and he looks ashamed. Makes me smile even now. Great show.


... Bed time, I'll be back

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