Thursday, March 19, 2009

Finals week reprieve--Music

I normally write with music. I have a play list for creative work, and another for editing, and another for critiquing, and another for reading and another for boring homework requiring little brain power.

When I write poetry I listen to classical music, the more dynamic the better. I like the music to go fast and slow and rise high and sink low. It makes pictures in my head. There is a Mussorgsky thing called pictures in an exhibit, and each one is distinct and I see what the song is titled. There is one called catacombs, and its all dark and underground sounding. When I listen to it I see the catacombs, like I am moving through it in a movie and the soundtrack moves with me.

When I edit my work I like to listen to wordy songs, like Bad Religion (my bro's fav, its growing on me slowly) Sublime, and Pepper.

Since I was a little kid I listened to Metallica. I was really drawn to the guitar solos and the words. Now I listen to it as comfort music, even the fast, loud, hard ones. Metallica is my favorite band. And I tried listening to other metal bands, but its been slow going. I don't like screaming, or stupid words or unskilled thrashing, which is most of it.

I can write with Metallica blaring without any adverse effects on my writing, because Metallica has become familiar. New music I can't write with because its too distracting, I listen to the music rather than write words. I think I use it to drown out other sounds, because I am always like, "What was that noise," as though I have to investigate everything. So the music keeps me focused.

Also, in psychology I learned if you do something for 6 months it becomes a habit. I listen to certain songs when I write, so now when the music comes on I get in a writing mood and just HAVE to write. It works pretty well, but there were a few times when I couldn't have music and it was a little more difficult , but not enough to make me realize I was a weirdo.

Looking at my play list now I see my top song is Metallica's "My Friend Of Misery" at 319 times. That song isn't considered their best, (that would be "One") but the beginning bass riff draws you in. Here it is, just the bass part, 1 min:

"One" is like an experience and I got to be ready for it, or in some kind of mood to appreciate it fully. The first guitar solo is CrAzY and makes me want to air guitar it, which is good cause I don't know how to play a real guitar, yet.

Once I was driving with Loo, Mike, and Kev and Loo was selecting tracks and she came to One which starts out with machine gun fire and explosions, and she skipped it. We were all like, "What are you doing!? You can't skip One!" and we had to hear it for her sake so she would know when One was coming on for next time. Here is One:

Next on the top of the play list at 267 is Harmageddon by Apocalyptica--a finnish cello quartet that started with Metallica covers, this I like for the sounds that a cello can make:

Next at 254 is another Metallica song "Call of Ktulu" which is an instrumental and just really cool, it starts off with wind and then opens with nice easy guitar and transitions into the other instruments. It is almost 9 mins long:

Next at 201 is the Moldau (Vlatava) Smetana Symphonic Poem by Antonin Dvorak "From The New World." It is really pretty and starts light and easy and gets heavier and more dynamic. It was the basis for the Batman Theme.

Its late, so good night.

I have to take the dog to the vet tomorrow cause she probably has a bladder infection.

Poor Ninners.

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