Monday, May 18, 2009

*Abstinence Only Sex Education Dies.

I would say RIP Abstinence Only Education, but I cannot deny how I feel about you. I think you were a blight upon our nation and I am glad to see you go. President Obama killed you, and will not be tried by the law --that's how bad you were. You know what else Abstinence Only Education? You just don't work, and you never have, but the last guy protected you, kept you alive, and now he is gone, and you got what you deserve.

For years I heard your pithy slogans, slogans like, "Abstinence is the only 100% sure way to not get pregnant." and a variation replacing pregnant with "AIDS" and "STD's." Well, no shit Abstinence Only Education, did you know that not eating is the only 100% sure way to not get food poisoning too? (Some of you may be asking, "Did he just compare the desire to have sex with the desire to eat, as though they are equally important to the human body?" Or, "Did he just compare pregnancy with food poisoning as though a baby can ruin your day like food posioning?" And some of you may be thinking, "Yeah, he did.")

And even after study after study came to light (though you tried to squelch it) about how You, Abstinence Only Education, actually caused more teen pregnancy and unprotected sex than the normal "flying by the seat of our pants" way. You caused a generation--or two--to view sex with such nerosis that it will be years before we right ourselves and create happy, healthy, and safe sexual relationships with one another. Not to mention all the pedophiles and rapists you raised we still have to catch [and hopefully castrate].

So overall you were pretty shitty to America, Abstinence Only Education, which makes you un-American. Shame on you.

"Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice...shame on Ghost"

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