Friday, June 26, 2009

aw shucks peace keeps me awake at night

I was gonna go to bed but I accidentally looked at a picture that said "women say no to war." and I was filled with ire. First of all, does that mean somebody, somewhere has a banner that says, "Women say yes to war." Who does that? Is it a peace organization's best imterest to state the obvious?

OK America/society: many people do not like war. Many people want peace. But my problem with all of that is: 'desires' and 'wants' do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for peace or war. So all you people out there that get shirts made and buttons and stickers to put on your Prius that say "PEACE" you are doing nothing for peace. What you are doing is broadcasting your desires, which is selfish. You don't want to truly have peace, you want people to know how you feel about peace. I could go on and on about this, and maybe I will when I am not so tired. But what do you hope to accomplish with all those stickers?

If only Osama Bin Laden had seen your bumper sticker, maybe than he wouldnt have been such a bad man.

All this time when people threatened America we could have just dropped airplanes full of peace stickers on them rather than bombs.

Peace stickers and rallys and shirts and all that stuff serve one purpose which has nothing to do with peace; and that is it makes you feel good. Because true peacemaking is uncomfortable. And I would argue it is impossible. What I recommend you peace advocates do is get a book called, "The Prince" by Niccolo Machiavelli. For two reasons, one: This is the book that governments operate by (especially ours, but the Russians are better at it). And two it explains why peace cannot work. (and three I guess is because it talks about a lot of really cool stuff that once you learn it you can see our own Government doing it, and you can follow along in the prince to find out why they do what they do.)

And for those of you who wont read the book I will sum up chapter 16 which is 2 pages: Peace cannot work; you can place the most gentle peace loving human in existence in charge, but for a price, a trusted official can put a killer in the same room with him.

One man can change the world with a bullet in the right place.

its getting late. more on this later when my mind is awake, and im not sick.


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