Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Girls Locker Room.

I just read a list of random questions. One of them brought back a memory.

"Have you ever peeked in into the opposite sexes locker room?"

I remember in 7th grade my friend Alex and I would rush out of the boys locker room to get to the other side of the gym where the girls locker room was. We had to get there before they got outside. Once there we would take turns boosting each other up and spying on them.

The angle was bad and nothing like we expected. I expected a sauna of naked beauties bathing one another. What I got was a small vantage point of the lockers and once I had enough times to see one of them in a bra and panties!

Which reminds me the first time I ever touched a breast. The first time I can remember anyway. It was around the same time. I was boosting Alex up and he jumped down and pretended to be in the middle of a conversation.

"How big was it?" he said really loud.
"This big!" I said and threw my hands out wide to either side. The back of my right hand smacked squarely into Claire gardener's left breast. (Puberty was especially good to her) It was a soft supple surprise. She gasped. I apologized. And when she walked away Alex gave me a high five. To the left hand, because the right hand was now sacred.

For the next few weeks I became the resident breast expert. A position I hold still to this day.
It is funny how things happen that shape you for the rest of your life.

I read every book on the subject I could get my hands on. Not because there were pictures of naked boobs, but because they were so mysterious and I thought that by learning about them I could have some power over them. This led to books about the female body. And books about sex. And shortly there after I became the resident Sexpert, never having ventured there myself until I was much older but able to explain everything to my friends.

A girl I was dating before I was engaged to Loo told me that, "You could look at a map of Italy, read about the people who traveled there, but until you are there you will have no idea what it is like." She was much more experienced than me. In fact, all of the women I was ever with were more experienced then me. Ha! I never thought about that before. Anyway, the joke was if you ever wanted a guide for Italy I was available. I could tell you the metro times, distances between places of interest and the best places to eat. ( I know nothing about the real Italy.)

But there is something about me that craves information and knowledge. If it is especially interesting I will never forget it, as was the case for female anatomy, biology and physiology. I know more about my woman's body then she does, which makes me feel special.

For example: A few years a go a new Birth Control pill came out called YAZ. It was clear that Loo needed a BC pill to stabilize her emotional states. I didn't like the one she was on because of the side effects--migraines, heavy periods, putting on weight and lethargy among so many others. I did a lot of research and suggested she switch to YAZ. We went to the doctor and now she is much better off because YAZ is a much lower dose of estrogen then the ortho tricyclene stuff she was using before. Her emotions are much more even, her migraines are virtually gone and she is much more active. Now I am the lazy one that doesn't want to go anywhere or do anything because I am so busy and tired from school and she jokes that I need YAZ. And when I am particularly grumpy she has offered me the little white pill.

"Here. You need this more than I do," she says with a serious face.

And I laughed so hard my stomach hurt.


Person said...

just write a story called "Boobs". you have enough material for it...

Brian said...

Maybe I will, and maybe I have MWUAHAH!